Long standing history of proven results
At Avenue Advanced Skin Care, our team works closely with all our patients to ensure they receive a natural-looking and satisfying lip enhancement result.
Under the guidance of Mr Allan Kalus, a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon in Melbourne, our team of nurse injectors are trained in the art facial aesthetics and symmetry. This enables them to deliver lip filler injections that meet the unique desires of their individual patients.

Lip Augmentation can treat the following
Restore fullness
Enhance contours of the lips
Correct asymmetry of the lips
Correct a “gummy” smile
Reduce the appearance of “smoker’s” lip lines
What are dermal fillers?
Dermal filler is an injectable gel that restores the skin’s natural support structures that have been damaged by ageing. Dermal fillers provide an instant, noticeable and long-lasting result. The main differences between the types of fillers are the thickness, viscosity, and longevity.
Lip ageing and lip filler
When we age, our lips lose volume and shape and become thinner and more wrinkling. The lips may start to turn downwards, giving the face a more sad appearance.
Dermal filler is effective to correct ageing lips and create a younger looking lip as natural as possible. We can also deliver subtle, fuller and cute lips to young women who genetically have thin lips. We can also offer small amount of filler to people who doesn’t want others to notice post treatment. Multiple treatments may be required to achieve the final results.
Lip Enhancement By Autologous Fat Transfer
Lip enhancement by fat transfer involves taking some fat (usually from the abdomen, thighs or hips) and, after preparation, strategically injecting it into the lips to add volume. The tiny amount of fat (a few mls) is harvested by liposuction (using a fine cannula), then refined to form a smooth substance before injection into the lips with a needle similar to the one used for dermal fillers.
The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic to minimise your discomfort.
The fat survives permanently in the lips and most patients are very satisfied with the results. There is no scarring on the lips or from the harvesting of fat.
Autologous fat transfer for lip augmentation is performed at Avenue Advanced Skin Care in conjunction with the experienced team at Avenue Plastic Surgery.
A non-biased treatment approach
Our experienced injectors will provide you with a non-biased treatment approach. As part of our approach to maximising results for all of our patients, our injectors may also recommend using a muscle relaxing injection to smooth “smoke lines”, flip lips and up-tune and corner of your mouth. She may also suggest to improve the health of the skin with cosmeceutical products or skin treatments. Our knowledgeable team of Dermal Clinicians can assist you further in your skin journey.
This is a common concern for those who have never had a lip procedure done before. We will apply a topical anaesthetic to the lips so the procedure is comfortable. Furthermore, many of the dermal fillers available at Avenue Advanced Skin Care have local anaesthetic incorporated into the product, which means that they will provide additional numbness as the product is injected.
Yes. Your lips will be slightly numb and swollen immediately after your treatment. Swelling usually subsides after a few days.
The best way to avoid any bruising is to limit the intake of any blood thinning medications (such as aspirin, warfarin, or any type of anti-inflammatories) as well as over-the-counter blood thinners (like fish oils) in the week prior to your treatment.
Swelling will occur immediately after your treatment, so it is recommended you apply ice packs for at least 10-15 minutes after your treatment. Not drinking too much water for the first 24 hours after your treatment may also help to reduce swelling, as well as sleeping with your head slightly elevated the night after your treatment.
You may need to use a lip balm to help prevent dry lips initially, and no make-up is to be used for 12 hours afterwards.
It is best to avoid strenuous exercise and excessive UV exposure for at least 48 hours post treatment.
For further information on Lip Augmentation, contact Avenue Advanced Skin Care today on 03 9521 5533 to speak with a Dermal Clinician.